The sweet basil genome project is a mutual effort of the Unit of Aromatic and Medicinal Plants at Newe-Ya’ar Research Center of the Volcani Institute, Boyce Thompson Institute (BTI) and Chicago Botanic Garden (CBG).
In the Unit of Aromatic and Medicinal Plant, we combine basic and applied science with breeding programs that lead to the development of multiple cultivars.
Together with BTI and CGB bioinformaticians, we set a goal to establish a genomic database harboring a well-established annotated chromosome-level basil genome for the benefit of the scientific community.
The project was funded by the U.S. — Israel Binational Science Foundation (BSF).
Project Coordinators: Dr. Itay Gonda (Volcani Institute); Prof. Susan Strickler (CBG) ; Prof. Nativ Dudai (Volcani Institute)
Bioinformaticians and website development: M.Sc. Jing Zhang (BTI); Dr. Gon Carmi (Volcani Institute).